Wednesday, March 7, 2007


I receive a email everyday "Gods Daily Promises". I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and have really been dreading it because I have gained alot of weight this year and am really down about it. I read my daily email today and it made me really think. Here I am feeling down about getting older when I should be happy that I can do all of the things that I take for grant every day.
Just think about it, God gave us eyes so we could see our beautiful children, flowers, the ocean. Our nose so we could smell the beautiful aroma of flowers, our ears so we could hear birds chirping and people laughing. We should be happy with who we are and give thanks to God every day for giving us the gifts he does.

I just want to thank you Jesus for all the gifts you have given me. You have given me two wonderful children that I love very much and that mean the world to me. You have given me five grandchildren that I adore and love with all my heart. You gave me the best Mom anyone could ever have, a sister that definitely keeps things lively, a brother and husband that are so different then me (but I love them anyway) and many, many more people in my life.


Blogger Julie said...

That is a great message! We should all be more happy with what we have.

TFS :)

March 7, 2007 at 6:27 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

How sweet!

March 8, 2007 at 7:21 PM  

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