Friday, July 11, 2008


I try to put something uplifting on my titles because I don't want anyone to think I am a depressed person, etc. So I put "LOVED" as my title because that is so true.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy to realize how loved you are. Its been unbelievable how many cards we have received during this time, phone calls, etc. I want each and everyone of you to know how much it means to us.

It will be three weeks tomorrow that Chris died but it seems like forever ago. It is so hard to try to write how I feel, so I will tell you instead some of the things I have learned.

The first and foremost, is love and live for the Lord. Without him I could have never made it through this tragedy. He holds you up when you need it and stands beside you through every minute of everyday. Praise him with ALL of your heart and he will never leave you.

Never take life for grant. I know you have heard this many times before but take it from me it is soooo TRUE.

Never leave without telling the people you love that you love them. You may not have a second chance.

Love your children with everything you have. Even when they are on your last nerve enjoy them because one day you may not have them.

Don't stay mad at anyone. Staying mad just makes you lose your joy and nothing is worth that. Forgive and go on.

Learn to forgive others like God forgives us. Once you do this you are not always thinking about what people have done to you. You are more concerned about what you can do for people.

Live life like there is no tomorrow. In saying this I don't mean go out party, get drunk and live it up. I mean live life everyday with no regrets. Do things with your family, don't put stuff off. Don't stay mad. Help as many as you can. Go the places you want to go.

Appreciate your friends. I have very special friends that God has sent me through the years and I don't know what I would do without them. Some I haven't seen in a long time but that doesn't mean that I don't still love them and remember how they made my life happier in some way. Then I have my friends now that I have no idea what I would do without. They are like family and I love them very much.

Last but the most important. Spend time with God daily. Read his word, talk with him, love him with all of your heart. If you do this you will be happier then the richest man. He gives you peace, joy, understanding, love and anything else you need. He will never leave you. Ask him what to do and WAIT on the Lord to answer.

Please continue to pray for us. We could not have made it without all the prayers.

I want everyone to know how much I love them and how important they are to me. I am so very proud of my children and love them with all my heart.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Today is July 4th and the first holiday I have to live through without Chris. People say holidays are some of the hardest days to go through and I believe they are right. But with Gods help my family and I are going to try to make the best of it because we know that is what Chris would have wanted.

He loved life, sometimes to much :) He loved children and sometimes I wondered who was having the most fun, the kids or CHRIS. When he wasn't fighting his demons, he was one of the sweetest people I know. He loved to stay busy if he wasn't he was bored. I can remember when he was younger he would get one of his friends to ride the bus home with him and they would spend the entire weekend at our house. I would take them home on Sunday afternoon and as soon as they got out of the car he would say "I am bored".

On another note, this is a text message he sent me on April 28, 2008. I had forgotten about it and was asking the Lord to give me something to let me know that he was in heaven. I knew he was because the Lord had already told me but being the human I am I had to know one more time. I prayed and prayed about it and one morning something told me to go to the text message he had sent. This was the message:

Psalm 73:26

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart, he is mine forever.

That tells me everything I need to know. The Lord is wonderful and I can't imagine anyone having to go through this without him.